Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Solicitor wants too see bank statements to confirm was taken out off my account for deposit...?

thing is i had 13.500 worth of savings, and took out a 7.000 loan. everything is sorted, only contracts need signing, mortgage agreed i have a offer letter from the bank. The reason solicitor wants too see statements is because he wants proof money came from my account, will the fact i took out a loan affect anything?

just wanted too know i took loan out on 01-02-07 many thanks x

Solicitor wants too see bank statements to confirm was taken out off my account for deposit...?

how you got the money for your deposit shouldn't matter to the solicitor

Solicitor wants too see bank statements to confirm was taken out off my account for deposit...?

no takin out the loan wont effect things as long as the money is in the account.

Solicitor wants too see bank statements to confirm was taken out off my account for deposit...?

Why does he want proof? He should only need to know the money is there, where it came from is none of his business and he has no right to see your statement anyway as far as i can see. Even so, a loan should not affect anything for the same reason - he has the money and loans are your problem, not his.

Solicitor wants too see bank statements to confirm was taken out off my account for deposit...?

this is all down to the money laundring laws the solicitor is not concerned how much you have loaned but he is concerened where you got money from

all solicitors are bound by the money laundering laws to check sorry mate he hasnt a choice

but if your after a mortgage neither have you will have to supply this information

Solicitor wants too see bank statements to confirm was taken out off my account for deposit...?

The key red flag for you right here is that it is a SOLICITOR! What does a solicitor have any business in your dealings? It doesn't matter where the money came from; only your bank, mortgage company, and any entity directly in relationship to your business transaction should have access or need proof of anything...solicitors do just that: SOLICIT!

Be careful of being free-flowing with your financial and personal information.

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