Is there student loan forgiveness programs for clergy? They often work in poor areas and do alot of community service. My friend is a pastor and she really works hard in a poor town and even started a food and clothing bank for the local families. She also is qualified and gives free counseling to those who need it and can't pay for it. Unforthunately most of her paycheck goes to student loans and leaves her with barely anything. Does anyone out there have any advice or ideas. Thanks!
Student loan forgiveness?
No, there are none out there specifically for members of the clergy. However, there are programs out there that will forgive a part of student loans in exchange for volunteer service in the local community. Another idea might be to consolidate the student loans together and extend the payment period which can lower the loan payment amounts. I will include some resources which should help. Good luck!
Student loan forgiveness?
For God all is possible, you can!! I found interesting information about your answer, college loans with low interests, scholarships, college grants here.Good luck!
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